
Dev Manager


At Apple I've worked on everything from new product launches to automation tools and process optimization. I now lead a team of developers expanding into new territories and pushing the limits of our capabilities in service of our customers.


My Role:

management technical direction web development

The Living Logo


Seagate makes more than just hard drives, they create space for the human experience. We wanted to show the importance of that by bringing live data from human experiences directly into the logo itself, making it the world's first "living logo".


My Role:

prototype development technical direction

Gala Contemplating You

The Dalí Museum


Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea was a genius study in perception and perspective. What better way to learn about such a marvelous piece than to allow users to interact with the artwork itself? So we built a system that could "Dalí-ize" your portrait and display it next to the real thing.


My Role:

full stack development mobile web development native development

Adobe Logo Remix



When asked to re-imagine Adobe's logo we realized Adobe products power creativity. How better to display the logo, than through the creativity of the artists themselves? The wall takes live data from 100 different artists around the world and shows it real-time. It's currently on display in Adobe's lobby.


My Role:

full stack development hardware electrical design

Every Chip Gets a Dip



For March 23, National Chip & Dip day, we decided to give every "Chip" in America a free Tostitos dip. The site required every participant to submit contact information along with "proof" that they are in fact a "Chip". Once moderated, participants were shipped a dip of their choice. The project was a success with over 10,000 submissions in just 4 days.


My Role:

full stack development realtime admin interface technical direction

Bring the Bowl to the Bay



When GS&P was recruited to prepare the Super Bowl 50 bid package for San Francisco we promised the most technologically advanced Super Bowl in history. We started by designing custom engraved boxes containing iPads and worked with Adobe to create a custom app to explore various aspects of the bid. At the same time we launched a successful social campaign and a hub that aggregated social posts about the bid in real—time.


My Role:

full stack development realtime social media monitoring